FERO XI SCHOLARSHIP AWARDING RESEARCH THIS PAST MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2016 THE XI FERO SCHOLARSHIP WAS AWARDED TO DR. HECTOR PEINADO from the CNIO, in recognition of the research work of this Spanish scientist who fights to advance the battle...
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RE-PRESENT AT THE INTERNATIONAL GIFT FAIR "INTERGIFT" AND IN THE MEDIA. True to its motto, "life is a gift, give life", Re-present attended the International Gift Fair at IFEMA as an exhibitor, where it presented its oils and designs for personalization. This presence...
Extra virgin olive oil and breast cancer
Recently, Dr. Eduard Escrich spoke about the virtues of extra virgin olive oil regarding breast cancer at the D.O. Awards. Priego de Córdoba. Dr. Escrich leads a research group that has been studying the relationship between nutrition and the development of cancer for...