Miguel Hernández, visionary of what it has been so difficult for us people from Jaen to see, already said it: “JAEN, GET UP BRAVE, ON YOUR MOONSTONES, DON’T GO TO BE A SLAVE, WITH ALL YOUR OLIVE GROVES…ANDALUSIANS OF JAEN”
And following his advice, finally, some Jaeneros defend “with tooth and nail” the liquid gold that our land gives us. A grateful and simple land, which with very little has brought us so much… And it is to that quiet land, which saw us born and that each campaign offers us the juice of its fruit, to which we owe the respect that it has meritoriously earned after centuries of olive farming, with feet and hands trapped, sun to sun. sun and moon to moon…
And from the earth, the work, the sweat and the twisted trunks, comes the extra virgin olive oil that nourishes our body and spirit. Let us defend our roots and embrace the soil that nourishes our olive trees, raising our voices to make ourselves worthy of such a valuable product.
…Within the clarity
of the oil and its aromas,
indicate your freedom
the freedom of your hills…
Congratulations to all of you who have participated in the COMANDO ACTUALIDAD program defending our EVOO, which is the pride of our land.